Factors Associated with Contracting Between Area Agencies on Aging and Health Care Entities

Amanda L. Brewster
Traci L. Wilson
Suzanne R. Kunkel
Leslie A. Curry
Chris Rubeo
Peer-Reviewed Article
May 2022


Partnerships between health care organizations and AAAs can benefit from a clear understanding of internal capabilities and external environmental factors.


Health systems and payers are increasingly developing partnerships and contracts with community-based organizations, such as AAAs, to provide case management, care transition planning, and other services. While these partnerships can support improved outcomes for older adults and caregivers, contract development can be difficult. This study used survey data to identify the factors associated with AAAs that effectively contract with health care organizations.


Different factors drive AAA partnerships with health plans or health care delivery organizations. AAAs with strong business capacities and access to a state community-based contracting network were more likely to contract with health insurers. AAAs in states with more integrated health care delivery programs (and without managed long-term services and supports) were more likely to contract with health care delivery organizations.


Since many varied factors affect AAA partnership development, stakeholders looking to support increased investment of health care sector funding in community-based organizations, such as AAAs, should consider the impact of different policies and programs that can facilitate these partnerships. Partnership strategies and capacity-building investments should be tailored based on whether the partnerships are between AAAs and plans or health care delivery organizations. 

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