The National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center

Website/Resource Center
April 2023


Resource screenshot


This national technical assistance center offers free connections to harm reduction resources and experts for providers and community-based organizations seeking to implement harm reduction services.


Harm reduction services are effective for preventing drug overdose, controlling the spread of infectious diseases, and managing risks associated with drug use. This national technical assistance center, a partnership of CDC and SAMHSA, provides connections to free resources and expert assistance for any person or organization interested in offering harm reduction services in their community.

About This Tool

This technical assistance center accepts requests for assistance from anyone in the country through its website portal. Requests are responded to within two business days. Based on the content of the individual request, the center will provide a connection with one of eight national expert organizations in harm reduction, including the National Harm Reduction Coalition and Faces & Voices of Recovery. Technical assistance covers questions related to harm reduction program development and sustainability, building community resilience and achieving equity, integrating harm reduction into mental health or substance use treatment agencies, and providing peer support services in recovery settings, etc.


Health care providers and community-based organizations can use this free technical assistance center to ask questions of experts and receive resources on how to implement harm reduction services in their programs. The technical assistance can also support organizations in addressing barriers to implementing harm reduction services in in policy-restrictive environments.  

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